I've been coding for about a year now and I'm currently working on a portfolio (a recipe website) but I'm stuck and not sure how to proceed.
My problem is that I need to find a way to insert an auto-incrementing ingredient id from table A (whether inserted or not) into table B.
When a recipe is submitted, I have code set up that uses the following MySQL query to check if there are any submitted ingredients in my ingredients table.
SELECT i.ingredient CASE WHEN LOWER(?) = LOWER(ingredient) THEN INSERT IGNORE INTO i (ingredient) VALUES ? ELSE LOWER(?) != LOWER(ingredient) THEN INSERT INTO i VALUES ? END FROM ingredients i
I initially tried using a post-insert trigger, but realized that this approach would not work if the ingredient already existed in the database and was not newly inserted. Therefore, I think my approach may need to be refactored.
My goal is, when submitting a recipe, to compile the ingredient into an array, using the following code:
let ingredients = req.body.ingredients; let ingredientArray = Array(); ingredients.forEach(ingredient => { ingredientArray.push([ingredient.ingredient]); });
Then run the MySQL query. If the ingredient does not exist yet, insert it into table A. If it already exists, ignore it. After these two options, the ingredient's auto-incrementing id will be inserted into table B. To make the problem more complicated, recipe_id will be extracted from table C (containing various other recipe information), amount will be the value typed by the user in the input field (converted to an array), unit_id will be the one selected by the user and predefined in the database A set of units corresponding to a predefined set of measurement units (also converted to an array). These two arrays will be made into arrays using the JavaScript code above.
Table A is as follows:
id | Element |
1 | sugar |
2 | flour |
Table B is as follows:
id | recipe_id | Amount | unit_id | ingredient_id |
1 | 45 | 1 | 5 | 1 |
2 | 76 | 4 | 4 | 2 |
Update method
Hopefully this is a better approach, however, I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the false result of my if statement execute @checkIngredientFalse
and then @checkIngredientTrue
Difficult, because this will add ingredient's id
to recipe_ingredients
's ingredient_id
table column.
async function createRecipeIngredient(newRecipeId, ingredientName, unitId, amount) { let ingredients = req.body.ingredients; let ingredientArray = Array(); ingredients.forEach(ingredient => { ingredientArray.push([ingredient.ingredient]); }); const ingredientQuery = ` SET @checkIngredient = (SELECT i.id FROM ingredients i WHERE i.ingredient = LOWER(?) ); SET @newRecipeId = (SELECT max(r.id) FROM recipes r ); SET @checkIngredientTrue = (INSERT INTO recipeIngredients (recipe_id, ingredient_id) VALUES (@newRecipeId, @checkIngredient) ); SET @checkIngredientFalse = (INSERT INTO ingredients (ingredient) VALUES (LOWER(?)) //MISSING CODE HERE// ); IF(@checkIngredient, @checkIngredientTrue, @checkIngredientFalse);` const [_queryRows, _queryFields] = await db.promise().query(ingredientQuery, [newRecipeId, _ingredientName, _unitId, _amount]); module.exports = { getRecipe, getRecipeComments, getRecipePhotos, getUserRecipeCommentLikes, createRecipe, insertRecipePhoto, createRecipeIngredient };
router.post('/recipes/new', cloudinary.upload.single('photo'), async (req, res, _next) => { await recipeQueries.createRecipe(); await recipeQueries.insertRecipePhoto(newRecipeId, req.user, req.file.path); await recipeQueries.createRecipeIngredient(newRecipeId); res.redirect('/recipes'); });
P粉3669463802023-09-12 10:45:04
For each ingredient in the recipe:
SELECT id FROM ingredients WHERE ingredient = ?
is set to the returned idINSERT INTO ingredients (ingredient) VALUES (?)
and set ingredient_id
to the assigned auto-increment IDingredient_id
value found in the above steps to INSERT INTO recipes
ingredients.forEach(async (ingredient) => { let ingredient_id; const [ing_ids] = await db.promise().query("SELECT id FROM ingredients WHERE ingredient = ?", [ingredient.toLowerCase()]); if (ing_ids.length > 0) { ingredient_id = ing_ids[0][0]; } else { const res = await db.promise().query("INSERT INTO ingredients (ingredient) VALUES (?)", [ingredient]); ingredient_id = res.insertId; } await db.promise().query("INSERT INTO recipeIngredients (recipe_id, ingredient_id) VALUES (?, ?)", [recipe_id, ingredient_id]); });