I want to be able to change the orientation of the page when the value in Pinia changes, the code runs fine but the page will reload and I don't want the page to reload.
This is my App.vue
<script setup> import { useaCountdownStore } from "./stores/countdowns"; import { storeToRefs } from "pinia"; const store = useaCountdownStore(); const { theme, language } = storeToRefs(store); theme.value === "dark" ? document.documentElement.classList.add("dark") : false; //works language.value === 'ar' ? document.documentElement.setAttribute('dir','rtl'): false // 需要重新加载页面 </script> <template> <router-view></router-view> </template>
P粉2741615932023-09-12 13:06:04
Requires regular data binding. In this case, use an observer.
watch( language, value => { if (value === 'ar') document.documentElement.setAttribute('dir','rtl') else document.documentElement.removeAttribute('dir') }, { immediate: true } )
Please make sure not to access document
when rendering on the server side.
P粉3176793422023-09-12 09:04:32
Try placing your content in another element instead of modifying the document
. Additionally, use computed properties for responsiveness.
<script setup> import { useaCountdownStore } from "./stores/countdowns"; import { storeToRefs } from "pinia"; import { computed } from "vue"; const store = useaCountdownStore(); const { theme, language } = storeToRefs(store); const direction = computed(() => language.value === 'ar' ? 'rtl' : 'auto') </script> <template> <div :class="theme" :dir="direction"> <router-view></router-view> </div> </template>