I keep getting this error: Warning PHP Warning: PHP cannot load dynamic library 'imagick' on startup (tried: C:\php\ext\imagick (specified module not found), C:\ php\ext\php_imagick.dll (specified module not found)) is located at line 0 of an unknown location.
I'm using php 8.1.20. I got the ddl file for imagick from: https://pecl.php.net/package/imagick/3.7.0/windows exists in my ext folder and I have added the following lines in my ini file: extension=imagick
Why do I keep getting this error? Does anyone know what the problem might be?
I've double checked the path to the ddl file and that's not the problem. I've double checked that the correct php ini file is being used.
P粉2760641782023-09-12 00:53:34
I am using the wrong version of php_imagick.dll. This dll file is for php version 8.1.2, and I am using php version 8.1.20. I downgraded to php 8.1.2 and the problem has been resolved.