How to position HTML DIV elements relative to SVG elements?
I used D3 to generate the SVG chart:
I want to add a dropdown next to the legend in the lower right corner. I do have the corresponding element (a regular HTML DIV element), but I don't know how to position it correctly on the chart.
I understand positioning of SVG elements, but I don't know how to apply something like a DIV element.
Any ideas other than placing it outside the viewport (like below)?
P粉5295811992023-09-08 16:47:49
ViewCSS Location. You can create a relatively positioned DIV to hold your SVG. You can then place an absolutely positioned DIV on top of it to accommodate the select
element; you can use its left
and top
styles to position the second DIV Place anywhere you want.
Everything put together:
let w = 500; let h = 300; let pad = 10; let xmin = -2 * Math.PI; let xmax = 2 * Math.PI; let ymin = -1.1; let ymax = 1.1; let svg ="#graph") .append("svg") .attr("max-width", `${w}px`) .attr("viewBox", [0, 0, w, h]); let x_scale = d3 .scaleLinear() .domain([xmin, xmax]) .range([pad, w - pad]); let y_scale = d3 .scaleLinear() .domain([ymin, ymax]) .range([h - pad, pad]); let path = d3 .line() .x((d) => x_scale(d[0])) .y((d) => y_scale(d[1])); svg .append("g") .attr("transform", `translate(0, ${y_scale(0)})`) .call(d3.axisBottom(x_scale).tickFormat(d3.format("d")).tickSizeOuter(0)); svg .append("g") .attr("transform", `translate(${x_scale(0)})`) .call(d3.axisLeft(y_scale).ticks(5).tickSizeOuter(0));'#function') .on('change', function() { draw_graph(this.value) }) draw_graph('sine') function draw_graph(f_string) {'path.graph').remove() let f if(f_string == "sine") { f = Math.sin; } else { f = Math.cos; } let pts = d3.range(xmin, xmax, 0.01) .map((x) => [x, f(x)]); svg .append("path") .attr('class', 'graph') .attr("d", path(pts)) .attr("fill", "none") .attr("stroke", "black") .attr("stroke-width", 3); }
<script src=""></script> <div style="position: relative" id="viz"> <svg id="graph" width=500 height=300 style="border: solid 2px black"></svg> <div style="border: solid 0.5px black; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7); position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 30px"> <label for="function">function:</label> <select name="function" id="function"> <option value="sine">sine</option> <option value="cosine">cosine</option> </select> </div> </div>