My server works in Linux via apache2, but works fine in development environment via artisan service on a Windows machine.
The error isUndefined variable $washProgram
<div> Programa {{ $washProgram->name }} </div>
<?php namespace App\View\Components; use Illuminate\View\Component; class expeditionData extends Component { public $op; public $washProgram; /** * Create a new component instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct($op) { $this->op = $op; $this->washProgram = $op->getSelectedWashProgram(); } /** * Get the view / contents that represent the component. * * @return \Illuminate\View\View|string */ public function render() { return view('components.expedition-data'); } }
<x-expedition-data :op="$op" />
I want to generate a view using this component but it gives me this error.
P粉3843669232023-09-07 00:06:37
Thank you so much. Linux is case sensitive. The component's file names have been changed so that they all begin with a capital letter:
expeditionData.php -> ExpeditionData.php