I have a problem where I need to search a JSON object using a conditional operator string.
The JSON object looks like
let Data = [ {Application: 'APIM', Owner: 'Vande Mataram','Customer Code': 'DJLFKASJF',Environment: 'Dev',OS: 'Linux',Region: 'EU','TEAM ': 'DemoTestCOE'}, {TEAM: 'BCC'}, {Team: 'DemoTestCOE','Customer Code': 'DJLFKASJF',Owner: 'Vande Mataram',Environment: 'Prod',Region: 'EU',Application: 'Ui-Path',OS: 'Windows'}, {Application: 'MGMT','Customer Code': 'DJLFKASJF', os: 'Windows','Owner ': 'Vande Mataram', Region: 'East US 2',Team: 'DemoTestCOE',Environment: 'MGMT' }, {Application: 'PIER',Owner: 'Govindarajulu Balaji',OS: 'Windows',Region: 'DemoTestCOE', Environment: 'QA'} ]
and the condition string shown below..
let condition = '"Owner": "Vande Mataram" AND ("Application": "APIM" AND "Customer Code": "DJLFKASJF") OR ("Owner": "Vande Mataram" AND "Customer Code": "DJLFKASJF") OR "Owner": "Vande Mataram"'
No luck with the internet... How to implement this, I can't bring it to SQL Server as it needs to be done in javascript.
I searched online to split the condition string into an array split by operators (AND/OR) and searched one by one in the json data object, but the condition string for each request was different. And work on implementing operators (AND/OR) correctly. I'm not sure this is the best idea
I need help how to solve this problem to satisfy any kind of condition provided using multiple nested brackets.
P粉1741519132023-09-07 00:08:39
is just an array of objects, so you can use Array.filter
let Data = [ {Application: 'APIM', Owner: 'Vande Mataram','Customer Code': 'DJLFKASJF',Environment: 'Dev',OS: 'Linux',Region: 'EU','TEAM ': 'DemoTestCOE'}, {TEAM: 'BCC'}, {Team: 'DemoTestCOE','Customer Code': 'DJLFKASJF',Owner: 'Vande Mataram',Environment: 'Prod',Region: 'EU',Application: 'Ui-Path',OS: 'Windows'}, {Application: 'MGMT','Customer Code': 'DJLFKASJF', os: 'Windows','Owner ': 'Vande Mataram', Region: 'East US 2',Team: 'DemoTestCOE',Environment: 'MGMT' }, {Application: 'PIER',Owner: 'Govindarajulu Balaji',OS: 'Windows',Region: 'DemoTestCOE', Environment: 'QA'} ] // and the condition string like below.. /* let condition = '"Owner": "Vande Mataram" AND ("Application": "APIM" AND "Customer Code": "DJLFKASJF") OR ("Owner": "Vande Mataram" AND "Customer Code": "DJLFKASJF") OR "Owner": "Vande Mataram"' */ console.log(Data.filter(item => { return item.Owner === 'Vande Mataram' && (item.Application === "APIM" && item['Customer Code'] === "DJLFKASJF") || (item.Owner === 'Vande Mataram' && item['Customer Code'] === "DJLFKASJF") || item.Owner === 'Vande Mataram'; }));