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How to get the first two entries of each day of the week in MySql 5.5.34

<p>I have a MySQL table with columns <strong>TENANT_NAME</strong>, <strong>MAX_CALLS</strong> and <strong>TIME_STAMP</strong> and <strong>no primary key </strong> , upon request we insert data every hour and the same name can be repeated. </p> <p>Now I want to get the group names I need to add and the sum call and get the top 2 entries for each day of the week. </p> <p>For example: 22:49 Insert data</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">TENANT_NAME,MAX_CALLS,TIME_STAMP RS1, 20, 2022-12-07 22:49:17 RS2, 10, 2022-12-07 22:49:17 RS3, 2, 2022-12-07 22:49:17</pre> <p>Next hour 23:49</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">RS1, 15, 2022-12-07 23:49:17 RS2, 0, 2022-12-07 23:49:17 RS3, 20, 2022-12-07 23:49:17</pre> <p>In this way, I have 1 year of data</p> <p>Now I want to summarize the name group of 2 records for a week every day</p> <p>Like this</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">RS1, 35, MON RS3, 22, MON... so on RS4, 40, SUN RS2, 35, SUN</pre> <p>I tried this query and I was able to group by name and total calls and show DAYNAME but I want the top 2 records for each day of the week. </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">select a.TENANT_NAME,SUM(a.MAX_CALLS),DAYNAME(a.TIME_STAMP) from TENANT_LIC_DISTRIBUTION AS a group by a.TENANT_NAME,day(a.TIME_STAMP ) order by a.MAX_CALLS,a.TIME_STAMP; RS1, 35, MON RS3, 22, MON RS2, 10, MON RS3, 30, TUE RS2, 20, TUE RS1, 10, TUE....so on RS1, 20, SUN RS2, 10, SUN RS3, 1, SUN</pre> <p>I want to get it like this</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">RS1, 35, MON RS3, 22, MON RS3, 30, TUE RS2, 20, TUE.... so on RS1, 20, SUN RS2, 10, SUN</pre> <p>Please help me</p> <p>Thank you</p>
P粉676588738P粉676588738390 days ago489

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  • P粉466643318

    P粉4666433182023-09-04 12:55:52

    Try using Window functions Append row numbers around the aggregate query and then limit by row number. This is one way.

    WITH rank_tenant
    AS (
        row_number() OVER (
                ORDER BY CALLS DESC
                ) AS row_num
        FROM (select 
              DAYNAME(TIME_STAMP) as DAY,
              SUM(MAX_CALLS) as CALLS
              from TENANT_LIC_DISTRIBUTION
              group by TENANT_NAME, DAY) as t1
    FROM rank_tenant
    WHERE row_num <= 2;

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