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Background or font color in HTML is red

<p>I have the following code to send email notifications to recipients and it works great. The source data comes from a SQL Server query, which I temporarily call the "#Temp_Warning" table. If the value of T.FORMATTED_ENTRY is less than 10, my recipient would like the value to be highlighted in red in the email. I've tried a lot, but values ​​less than 10 unexpectedly show the entire code<code>"span style="background-color :red;">5</span"</code> in the email, Instead of just the number 5 in red. </p> <p>This is part of the code for a SQL Server stored procedure</p> <pre class="brush:sql;toolbar:false;">IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Temp_Warning) > 0 BEGIN --Format email content in HTML DECLARE @tableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @tableHTML = N'<tr>' N'<td><b>Test Name</b></td>' N'<td><b>Formatted result</td>' N'</tr>' CAST(( SELECT td = T.REPORTED_NAME,'', td = CASE WHEN T.FORMATTED_ENTRY < 10 THEN N'<span style="background-color:red;">' T.FORMATTED_ENTRY N'</span>' ELSE T.FORMATTED_ENTRY END,'' FROM #Temp_Warning T ORDER BY T.REPORTED_NAME FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) END </pre></p>
P粉038161873P粉038161873412 days ago712

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  • P粉550323338

    P粉5503233382023-09-04 00:35:48

    Please try the following solutions.

    It uses SQL Server XQuery functionality.

    Additionally, it uses CSS to style the output XHTML.


    -- DDL and sample data population, start
    DECLARE @tbl TABLE (test VARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY, result INT);
    INSERT @tbl (test, result) VALUES
    ('Bu', 57),
    ('Po', 5),
    ('Zu', 9);
    -- DDL and sample data population, end
    DECLARE @xhtmlBody XML
       , @body NVARCHAR(MAX)
       , @tableCaption VARCHAR(30) = 'Tests results report';
    SET @xhtmlBody = (SELECT (
    SELECT * FROM @tbl FOR XML PATH('row'), TYPE, ROOT('root'))
                <meta charset="utf-8"/>
                (: including embedded CSS styling :)
                table <![CDATA[ {border-collapse: collapse;  width: 300px;} ]]>
                th <![CDATA[ {background-color: #4CAF50; color: white;} ]]>
                th, td <![CDATA[ { text-align: left; padding: 8px;} ]]>
                tr:nth-child(even) <![CDATA[ {background-color: #f2f2f2;} ]]>
                td:nth-child(2)  {text-align: center;} 
                #red <![CDATA[ {background-color: red;} ]]>
    <table border="1">
            <th>Test Name</th>
            <th>Formatted result</th>
        for $row in /root/row
        return <tr>
                {if (($row/result/text())[1] lt 10) then attribute id {"red"} else ()}
    SELECT @xhtmlBody;
    SET @body = TRY_CAST(@xhtmlBody AS NVARCHAR(MAX));

    Output XHTML

        <meta charset="utf-8" />
                table  {border-collapse: collapse;  width: 300px;} 
                th  {background-color: #4CAF50; color: white;} 
                th, td  { text-align: left; padding: 8px;} 
                tr:nth-child(even)  {background-color: #f2f2f2;} 
                td:nth-child(2)  {text-align: center;} 
                #red  {background-color: red;} 
        <table border="1">
            <h2>Tests results report</h2>
              <th>Test Name</th>
              <th>Formatted result</th>
              <td id="red">5</td>
              <td id="red">9</td>

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