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How to use keys to query values ​​in Json objects in Vuejs 3

<p>I'm new to Vuejs and need to access the 'label' via the 'id' reference. </p> <p><code>const Wizard_steps = ref([ { id: 1, label: "Step 1" }, { id: 2, label: "Step 2" }, { id: 3, label: " Step 3" } ]) const currentstep = ref([number]) </code></p> <p>If currentstep === 2, I want to access the data of "step 2", I tried: <code>wizard_steps.filter(id=2).label</code></p>
P粉413307845P粉413307845412 days ago466

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  • P粉337385922

    P粉3373859222023-09-03 15:59:55

    List highlights here.

    You can use Array::find() to find a value in an array. Alternatively, you can use computed to get a responsive value for use in templates. Also, I think you can use reactive instead of ref to handle the steps. If the step will not change you can remove reactive as it is not needed in this case.

    <script setup>
      import { reactive, ref, computed } from 'vue';
      const wizardSteps = reactive([ { id: 1, label: "步骤 1" }, { id: 2, label: "步骤 2" }, { id: 3, label: "步骤 3" } ]);
      const currentStep = ref(1)
      const currentLabel = computed(() => wizardSteps.find(({id}) => id === currentStep.value).label);
      <div>当前步骤 {{ currentStep }}</div>
      <div>当前标签 {{ currentLabel }}</div>
      <button @click="currentStep = currentStep === wizardSteps.length ? 1 : currentStep + 1">下一步</button>

  • P粉668804228

    P粉6688042282023-09-03 15:58:31


    In Vue, we use reactive variables to affect DOM variables. Here we can declare wizard_steps which can later be obtained from the .value key of the object created in the const variable - you can see this in the provided code. We need to create a variable that can operate on the selected ID. Based on the selected ID, we can use a simple JavaScript array and the find() function to find the selected step and display its label. Use the computed() function to adjust the label associated with the current step based on responsive changes in current_step_id, which also declares a responsive variable. However, this variable cannot be manipulated directly. Instead, update its .value when the reactive variable it uses internally changes.

    You can view this sample code.

    const { createApp, ref, reactive, computed } = Vue
    const app = createApp({
      setup() {
        // steps
        const wizard_steps = reactive([
          { id: 1, label: "step 1" },
          { id: 2, label: "step 2" },
          { id: 3, label: "step 3" }
        // current selected id
        const current_step_id = ref(1)
        // current label by selected id
        const current_step_label = computed(() => {
          // find current step by current id
          const current_step = wizard_steps.find((step) => step.id === current_step_id.value)
          // error, if step not found
          if (current_step === undefined) return `step not found by ID(${current_step_id.value})`
          // return current label by current step
          return current_step.label
        // change current_step_id by button
        const select_step = (step) => {
          current_step_id.value = step.id
        return { wizard_steps, current_step_id, current_step_label, select_step }
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3.3.4/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>
    <div id="app">
      <h2>Manipulate ID</h2>
      <h4>By Input</h4>
      <!-- input for can change id -->
      <input v-model="current_step_id" type="number" />
      <h4>or By Buttons</h4>
      <!-- button for select id -->
      <button v-for="step of wizard_steps" @click="select_step(step)">
        Select step #{{ step.id }} ({{ step.label }})
      <h2>Check Current Label</h2>
      <!-- check label for selected id -->
      <div>{{ current_step_label }}</div>

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