P粉7104789902023-09-01 21:08:35
Hmm, maybe you could try adding an index to your table: https://www.drupal.org/docs/7/guidelines-for-sql/the-benefits-of-indexing-large-mysql -tables#:~:text=Creating Indexes&text=The statement to create index, the index must be distinct. Make sure to add a composite index based on the rows you query.
If this does not improve your query time, then the query should be improved.
P粉0200855992023-09-01 14:23:17
CONCAT-LEAST-GREATEST - Is this for constructing a "friends_id"? Maybe what you really want is a "conversation_id"? Currently, two users can never have multiple "conversations", right?
If necessary, create a new column for conversation_id. (Currently, GROUP BY is inefficient.) The following code eliminates the need for such an id.
( SELECT lastid FROM ( ( SELECT from_id, MAX(id) AS lastid FROM messages WHERE to_id = ? GROUP BY from_id ) UNION DISTINCT ( SELECT to_id, MAX(id) AS lastid FROM messages WHERE from_id = ? GROUP BY to_id ) ) AS x ) AS conversations
And have these "covering" and "composite" indexes:
INDEX(to_id, from_id, id) INDEX(from_id, to_id, id)
Remove KEY(to_id), KEY(from_id) as my new index can handle all other tasks for these two indexes.
I think this has the same effect but runs faster.
Combine them:
SELECT * FROM ( ( SELECT from_id AS other_id, MAX(id) AS lastid FROM messages WHERE to_id = ? GROUP BY from_id ) UNION ALL ( SELECT to_id AS other_id, MAX(id) AS lastid FROM messages WHERE from_id = ? GROUP BY to_id ) ) AS latest JOIN messages ON messages.id = latest.lastid ORDER BY messages.id DESC
(Add these two indexes)
I once mistakenly thought that UNION DISTINCT could replace the need for conversation_id. but it is not the truth. I immediately saw some solutions: