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Handling Vue Router (history mode) and Webpack external redirects

<p>SO Community,</p> <p>I'm trying to add external authentication to an existing Vue 2 application. The problem I'm having is that when the external IdP redirects back to the Vue application with the path <code>/redirect</code>, the Vue Router doesn't seem to respect the updated path and route to the correct component. In other words, Vue Router will route to the <code>/</code> component instead of the <code>/redirect</code> component. </p> <p>Vue Router sets <code>mode: 'history'</code> and Webpack sets <code>historyApiFallback: true,</code>. </p> <h1>Current behavior: </h1> <ol> <li>The user navigates to <code>https://localhost:8080/</code> and the <code>Login</code> component is rendered. </li> <li>The user enters their ID and is redirected to the external IdP. </li> <li>After successful authentication, the IdP returns to the specified redirect URL: <code>https://localhost:8080/redirect</code></li> <li>Due to historical mode, Webpack sends the browser to <code>/</code>, which returns the <code>Login</code> component. </li> <li>In the <code>Login</code> component, <code>mounted()</code> hook check<code>if (window.location.pathname === '/redirect') router.push({ path: '/redirect' });</code></li> <li>Vue Router goes to the <code>/</code> path instead of <code>/redirect</code> and its components.</li> </ol> <h2>技术细节:</h2> <p>Vue - 2.5.15</p><p> 路由器视图 - 3.0.0</p><p> Webpack - 4.17.1</p><p> Webpack 开发服务器 - 3.1.4</p> <h2><code>webpack.dev.js</code></h2> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">devServer: { historyApiFallback: true,</pre> <h2><code>router.js</code></h2> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">const router = new VueRouter({ mode: 'history', routes: [ ... { path: '/redirect', component: Redirect, }, { path: '/', redirect: () => { }, ... router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { const user = store.state.user.authorizedUser const toPath = to.path if (toPath === '/redirect') return });</pre> <h2><code>App.vue</code></h2> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">new Vue({ el: '#login', render: h => h(Login), store, })</pre> <h2><code>登录.vue</code></h2> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">mounted() { if (window.location.pathname === '/redirect') router.push({ path: '/redirect' }); }</pre> <p>请告诉我是否需要提供任何其他细节或代码。提前感谢您的帮助。</p>
P粉681400307P粉681400307417 days ago595

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  • P粉208469050

    P粉2084690502023-08-29 09:33:53

    So, the problem seems to be with the top-level component Login acting as a traffic cop before the router boots up. I had to edit the Login component to mount the Redirect component manually.

    I don’t recommend this setting.

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