How to customize default colors in Vuetify?
<p>Maybe my problem is simple, but I couldn't find any solution until now. I'm using <strong>Vuetify</strong> in my Nuxt application. I used its dark theme. According to the theme configuration of the official website, we can change the <strong>primary</strong>, <strong>secondary</strong> or other colors of the theme with the color we want. However, when we set to a <strong>dark theme</strong>, the default text and background colors were set to white and black. I can't find any solution to change them. I know that we can set for example <code>class="primary"</code> for an element to change its background color. But I want to set a default color for text or background like this: </p>
<pre class="brush:css;toolbar:false;">body {
color: var(--v-info-base);
/* or */
#app {
color: var(--v-info-base);
<p>The colors of my website are defined in my nuxt.config.js file, like this: </p>
<pre class="brush:js;toolbar:false;">vuetify: {
customVariables: ['~/assets/variables.scss'],
theme: {
dark: true,
options: { customProperties: true },
themes: {
dark: {
primary: {
base: "#099b63",
darken1: "#04c279"
accent: "#250032",
secondary: "#97812F",
info: {
base: "#1FFFF1",
darken1: "#450b5a",
darken2: "#1125c0",
darken3: "#40bfa4"
warning: colors.amber.base,
error: colors.deepOrange.accent4,
anchor: "#1FFFF1"
<p>But that doesn’t work for me! ! ! </p>