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How to check if a URL exists via PHP?

<p>How to check if a URL exists (not 404) in PHP? </p>
P粉288069045P粉288069045576 days ago536

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  • P粉333186285

    P粉3331862852023-08-24 16:27:55

    When determining whether the url in php exists, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    • This can be a quick check server side if the URL itself is valid (string, non-empty, good syntax).
    • Waiting for a response may take some time and prevent code execution.
    • Not all headers returned by get_headers() are well-formed.
    • Use curl (if possible).
    • Prevents fetching the entire body/content and only requests the headers.
    • Consider redirect URL:
    • Do you want to return the first code?
    • Or follow all redirects and return the last code?
    • You may end up with 200, but it can be redirected using meta tags or JavaScript. Figuring out what happens next is difficult.

    Remember that no matter what method you use, waiting for a response will take time.
    All code can (and probably will) stop until you know the result or the request times out.

    For example: If the URL is invalid or inaccessible, the following code may take a long time to display the page:

    $urls = getUrls(); // some function getting say 10 or more external links
    foreach($urls as $k=>$url){
      // this could potentially take 0-30 seconds each
      // (more or less depending on connection, target site, timeout settings...)
      if( ! isValidUrl($url) ){
    echo "yay all done! now show my site";
    foreach($urls as $url){
      echo "<a href=\"{$url}\">{$url}</a><br/>";

    The following functions may be helpful, you may need to modify them to suit your needs:

    function isValidUrl($url){
            // first do some quick sanity checks:
            if(!$url || !is_string($url)){
                return false;
            // quick check url is roughly a valid http request: ( http://blah/... ) 
            if( ! preg_match('/^http(s)?:\/\/[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(\/.*)?$/i', $url) ){
                return false;
            // the next bit could be slow:
            if(getHttpResponseCode_using_curl($url) != 200){
    //      if(getHttpResponseCode_using_getheaders($url) != 200){  // use this one if you cant use curl
                return false;
            // all good!
            return true;
        function getHttpResponseCode_using_curl($url, $followredirects = true){
            // returns int responsecode, or false (if url does not exist or connection timeout occurs)
            // NOTE: could potentially take up to 0-30 seconds , blocking further code execution (more or less depending on connection, target site, and local timeout settings))
            // if $followredirects == false: return the FIRST known httpcode (ignore redirects)
            // if $followredirects == true : return the LAST  known httpcode (when redirected)
            if(! $url || ! is_string($url)){
                return false;
            $ch = @curl_init($url);
            if($ch === false){
                return false;
            @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER         ,true);    // we want headers
            @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY         ,true);    // dont need body
            @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER ,true);    // catch output (do NOT print!)
                @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION ,true);
                @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS      ,10);  // fairly random number, but could prevent unwanted endless redirects with followlocation=true
                @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION ,false);
    //      @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT ,5);   // fairly random number (seconds)... but could prevent waiting forever to get a result
    //      @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT        ,6);   // fairly random number (seconds)... but could prevent waiting forever to get a result
    //      @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT      ,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.89 Safari/537.1");   // pretend we're a regular browser
            if(@curl_errno($ch)){   // should be 0
                return false;
            $code = @curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); // note: documentation shows this returns a string, but really it returns an int
            return $code;
        function getHttpResponseCode_using_getheaders($url, $followredirects = true){
            // returns string responsecode, or false if no responsecode found in headers (or url does not exist)
            // NOTE: could potentially take up to 0-30 seconds , blocking further code execution (more or less depending on connection, target site, and local timeout settings))
            // if $followredirects == false: return the FIRST known httpcode (ignore redirects)
            // if $followredirects == true : return the LAST  known httpcode (when redirected)
            if(! $url || ! is_string($url)){
                return false;
            $headers = @get_headers($url);
            if($headers && is_array($headers)){
                    // we want the last errorcode, reverse array so we start at the end:
                    $headers = array_reverse($headers);
                foreach($headers as $hline){
                    // search for things like "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" , "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" , "HTTP/1.1 301 PERMANENTLY MOVED" , "HTTP/1.1 400 Not Found" , etc.
                    // note that the exact syntax/version/output differs, so there is some string magic involved here
                    if(preg_match('/^HTTP\/\S+\s+([1-9][0-9][0-9])\s+.*/', $hline, $matches) ){// "HTTP/*** ### ***"
                        $code = $matches[1];
                        return $code;
                // no HTTP/xxx found in headers:
                return false;
            // no headers :
            return false;

  • P粉465287592

    P粉4652875922023-08-24 00:30:23


    $file = '';
    $file_headers = @get_headers($file);
    if(!$file_headers || $file_headers[0] == 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found') {
        $exists = false;
    else {
        $exists = true;

    FROM HERE AND Below the above post , there is a curl solution:

    function url_exists($url) {
        return curl_init($url) !== false;

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