P粉9491909722023-08-23 18:29:31
Yes, it is possible to use OAuth2 without a callback URL. RFC6749 introduces several processes. The implicit flow (now deprecated[1]) and the authorization code flow (Authorization Code) require a redirect URI. However, the resource owner password credential process (also deprecated[1]) is not required.
Since the publication of RFC6749, other specifications have been published which do not require any redirect URIs:
Additionally, when using OpenID Connect, the response pattern is not necessarily a redirect to the redirect_uri
parameter, but can instead be a POST request to that endpoint. For more information, see the OAuth 2.0 Form POST Response Pattern specification.
Regardless, if the above authorization type does not suit your needs, you can create a custom authorization type.
[1]: OAuth 2.1 Specification (Draft 07)
P粉7138664252023-08-23 16:15:15
is not entirely accurate, the whole point of the OAuth process is that the user (the client on whose behalf you are accessing the data) needs to give you permission to access their data.
See Authentication Instructions. You need to send the user to the OAuth authorization page:
This will show the user a page telling them which parts of their account you are requesting access to (e.g. view their surveys, view their responses, etc.). Once the user approves by clicking "Authorize" on that page, SurveyMonkey will automatically jump to the page you set as the redirect URI (make sure the redirect URI in the above URL matches the one set in your application settings) and back Authorization code.
So if your redirect URL is https://example.com/surveymonkey/oauth
, SurveyMonkey will redirect the user to that URL using the authorization code:
You will then need to use that authorization code to exchange the access token by sending a POST request to https://api.surveymonkey.net/oauth/token?api_key=<your_api_key>
and provide The following POST parameters:
client_secret=<your_secret> code=<auth_code_you_just_got> redirect_uri=<same_redirect_uri_as_before> grant_type=authorization_code
This will return an access token which you can then use to access data on the user account. You do not need to give the access token to the user, it is for you to use to access the user account. No polling or other operations required.
If you are only accessing your own account, you can use the access token provided on the application settings page. Otherwise, there is no way to get access tokens for users unless you set up your own redirect server (unless all users belong to the same group, i.e. multiple users under the same account; but I won't go into that). SurveyMonkey needs a place to send authorization codes to you, you can't just request one.