P粉2390894432023-08-21 17:16:38
If you use more animation properties, you can use Shorthand :
animation: bubble 2s linear 0.5s 1 normal forwards;
Set like this:
Animation name2s
Time function0.5s
Number of iterations (can be 'infinite
fill mode (set to 'backwards' if you wish to be compatible with using the end position as the final state [this is to support browsers with animations turned off] {only answer headers, not your specific situation})Available time functions:
ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | linear | step-start | step-end
Available directions:
normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse
P粉5643017822023-08-21 15:00:10
Try adding animation-fill-mode: forwards;
. For example, you can use abbreviations like this:
animation: bubble 1.0s forwards;