P粉2210464252023-08-17 11:13:22
If this is SQL Server you can look at the following SQL Cursors, I edited the cursor declaration and the code in it Although they may be different from your requirements, I think you can modify them easily
declare @sql nvarchar(max) declare @tablename nvarchar(100) DECLARE cursor_Tables CURSOR FOR SELECT s.name + '.' + o.name --s.name [schema], o.name [table] FROM sys.Columns c inner join sys.objects o on c.object_id = o.object_id inner join sys.schemas s on s.schema_id = o.schema_id WHERE c.Name ='id' and o.type = 'U' /* SELECT TableName, DatabaseName +'.'+ TableName, ColumnName FROM DBC.Columns WHERE ColumnName = 'id' */ OPEN cursor_Tables; FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_Tables INTO @tablename WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- print @tablename set @sql = 'select case when count(*) > 0 then ''' + @tablename + ''' else '''' end from ' + @tablename exec sp_executesql @sql FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_Tables INTO @tablename END CLOSE cursor_Tables; DEALLOCATE cursor_Tables;
P粉7524794672023-08-17 09:39:26
You need a stored procedure because this is the only place where cursors can be used in Teradata.
REPLACE PROCEDURE testproc() DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 1 BEGIN DECLARE tbName VARCHAR(257); DECLARE SqlStr VARCHAR(500); -- 临时表来存储结果集 CREATE VOLATILE TABLE _vt_(tbName VARCHAR(257)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; -- 您现有的查询来返回表名 -- 最好使用ColumnsV而不是Columns FOR cursor_Tables AS SELECT DatabaseName || '.' || TABLENAME AS tbName FROM DBC.ColumnsV WHERE ColumnName ='id' DO -- 准备动态SQL ... SET SqlStr = 'insert into _vt_ select ''' || cursor_tables.tbName || ''' from ' || cursor_tables.tbName || ' where id = 0 having count(*) > 0; '; -- ... 并执行它 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE SqlStr; END FOR; BEGIN -- 返回结果集 DECLARE resultset CURSOR WITH RETURN ONLY FOR S1; SET SqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM _vt_;'; PREPARE S1 FROM SqlStr; OPEN resultset; END; DROP TABLE vt; END;