P粉2384338622023-08-16 13:13:46
Choose one consonant in each group to be the "representative" of that group. Then, build a map that groups words together such that they become identical when their consonants are replaced by their representative consonants.
Important note: This method only works when the consonant groups form equivalence classes. In particular, consonant similarity must be transitive. If 'bp'
is similar, 'bv'
is similar, but 'pv'
is not similar, then this method is invalid.
The following is the code for the example in Python; I let you write the JavaScript code.
is a mapping that maps each consonant to its representative consonant; d
is a map that maps each representative word to a list of words with this representative. bigwordlist = '''dolbar dolpar jumaq txindan txintan txintoq txiqbal txiqfun txiqwek txiqyal txinton txonmiq txoqwul txoqxik xumaq'''.splitlines() consonant_groups = '''zs xj pb td kg'''.splitlines() f = {} for g in consonant_groups: for c in g: f[c] = g[0] print(f) # {'z': 'z', 's': 'z', 'x': 'x', 'j': 'x', 'p': 'p', 'b': 'p', 't': 't', 'd': 't', 'k': 'k', 'g': 'k'} d = {} for word in bigwordlist: key = ''.join(f.get(c, c) for c in word) d.setdefault(key, []).append(word) print(d) # {'tolpar': ['dolbar', 'dolpar'], 'xumaq': ['jumaq', 'xumaq'], 'txintan': ['txindan', 'txintan'], 'txintoq': ['txintoq'], 'txiqpal': ['txiqbal'], 'txiqfun': ['txiqfun'], 'txiqwek': ['txiqwek'], 'txiqyal': ['txiqyal'], 'txinton': ['txinton'], 'txonmiq': ['txonmiq'], 'txoqwul': ['txoqwul'], 'txoqxik': ['txoqxik']}
Finally, we can see which words are similar:
print([g for g in d.values() if len(g) > 1]) # [['dolbar', 'dolpar'], ['jumaq', 'xumaq'], ['txindan', 'txintan']]