P粉8074716042023-07-29 00:04:48
The valueOf method is not suitable for this purpose. GraphQL schema documents do not have direct access to their queries, mutations, or subscriptions via key-value access methods. ,
First, make sure you have installed the graphql-tag package in your project:
npm install graphql-ta
Define your query in schema.gql:
query AllUsers { allUsers { nodes { id name # other fields... } } }
Import and use AllUsers query in the component:
<script setup> import { useQuery } from "@vue/apollo-composable"; import { loader } from "graphql.macro"; const Schema = loader('@/graphql/schema.gql'); const { result } = useQuery({ query: Schema.AllUsers }); // Here, 'result' will contain your fetched data when available. </script>
Hope it’s useful