I use the YITH WooCommerce comparison plugin and I will put the file containing the code relevant to my question:
$current_cat variable has been set equal to: public$current_cat=array() $this->current_cat has been used in some parts of the code, how to call $this-> outside the file and in the function file ;current_cat?
class YITH_Woocompare_Frontend_Premium extends YITH_Woocompare_Frontend { … /** * The list of current cat inside the comparison table * * @since 1.0.0 * @var array */ public $current_cat = array();
For example: $this->products_list; is used, if I want to call it outside the file and in the function file, it is like this: $products_list=isset($_COOKIE[get_COOKIE_name()])? json_decode(wp_unslash($_COOKIE[get_COOKIE_name()]): array();
I hope you understand what I mean. If this is a beginner question, please don't diss because not everyone is as professional as you. Furthermore, I spent a lot of time solving this problem. I'm not trying to ask a quick question here to find a quick answer.
P粉2621135692023-07-18 09:50:22
$my_object = new PluginClass();
$cat = $my_object->current_cat;
您正在尝试执行示例的第二行中显示的操作。要执行此操作,您需要访问第一行返回的new PluginClass()变量。不同的插件有不同的方法来使这种类型的信息可用于主题代码(functions.php)。必须查看插件的代码以确定如何执行此操作,或查看文档,或咨询插件的支持论坛。
恕我直言,解释php类的工作原理对于Stack Overflow的答案来说太复杂了。解释WordPress、插件和主题代码的交互方式也是如此。我希望这个答案能为您指明一个有用的方向。