I'm trying to get some scripts that run on PHP 5.4 to run on PHP 7.4. No syntax errors were detected except for an obsolete pass-by-reference error that has been fixed.
In some part of the application, I'm not getting the correct return value. I ran php7cc and PHPStorm to see if I could catch any errors and deprecation warnings, but didn't get any clues as to what the problem might be.
There is a script that parses the XML data and puts it into a class object. _MV_WRITE_._MV_SEP_._MV_SEP_.$this->mvKey._MV_SEP_.$this->mvObj->toString()._MV_SEP_This part is correct except that $item->toString() returns a blank instead of the correct string value.
Is there anything in this code that works in PHP 5.4 but not in PHP 7.4? Below is the code in question.
Main script
<html> <head> <title>Demo MV</title> </head> <body> <?php include_once 'demo_mv.php'; include_once 'demo_xml_parser.php'; $xmltext = "<Test></Test>"; echo "Creating XML Parser. <br>"; $xp = New XMLParser(); echo "Parsing XML to MV item. <br>"; If( !$xp->ParseToMVItem( $xmltext ) ) { echo "Parsing XML item failed. <br>"; } echo "Getting formatted output. <br>"; $item = $xp->GetMVItem(); echo print_r( $item ) . "<br>"; $fv = New MVFile("123456789", $item); $mvObject = $fv->getFormattedItem( ); echo "Formatted output: " . $mvObject . "<br>"; ?> </body> </html>
XML Parser
<?php Class XMLParser { // set up some variables for use by the parser var $xp; // Parser var $g_level = 0; // Current XML depth var $g_amc = 0; // Current Result index var $currentTag = ""; // Name of current element var $g_elements = Array(); // Names of elements by depth var $g_result = Array(); // Result array var $errstring; // String of error message var $MVItem; // MV Item object To Parse into var $currentData = ""; // Data in current element Function XMLParser() { // Constructor } Function ParseToMVItem( $xml ) { // Initialise MV Item $this->MVItem = New MVItem(""); // create parser $this->xp = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_object( $this->xp, $this ); // set element handlers xml_set_element_handler($this->xp, "elementBegin", "elementEnd"); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->xp, "characterData"); xml_parser_set_option($this->xp, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, FALSE); // parse data if (!xml_parse($this->xp, $xml, True )) { $errstring = " Line: " . xml_get_current_line_number( $this->xp); $errstring .= " Column: " . xml_get_current_column_number( $this->xp) . "<br/>"; $errstring .= xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->xp) ); $this->errstring = "XML parser error: " . $errstring ; // destroy parser xml_parser_free($this->xp); Return False; } // Success // destroy parser xml_parser_free($this->xp); Return True; } Function elementBegin($xp, $name, $attributes) { //file_log( "Attributes: " . $attributes . "rn" ); // opening tag handler $this->g_amc++; $amc = $this->g_amc; $level = $this->g_level ++; //file_log( "Level: " . $level . "rn" ); $this->g_elements[ $level -1 ] = $name; // export the name of the current tag to the global scope $this->currentTag = $name; $this->currentData = ""; // Add to MV Item $s_level = $level; settype( $s_level, "string"); $this->MVItem->replace( $s_level, $amc, 1 ); $this->MVItem->replace( $name, $amc, 2 ); $ename = $this->MVItem->extract( $amc , 2 ); // Handle attributes $attrib = ""; $index = 0; foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $index ++; $attrib = trim( $key . "=" . $value ); // echo $attrib . " - index=$index<br/>"; $this->MVItem->replace( $attrib, $amc, 3, $index ); // echo $this->MVItem->extract( $amc, 3, $index ) . "=attrib$index<br/>"; } } Function elementEnd($xp, $name) { // closing tag handler // echo $this->currentData; $this->MVItem->replace( trim($this->currentData), $this->g_amc, 4 ); $this->g_level --; $this->currentTag = $this->g_elements[ $this->g_level -1] ; } Function characterData($xp, $data) { // character data handler $data = Trim( $data ); If($data != '') { // echo $data . "<br />"; $this->currentData .= " ". $data; // $this->MVItem->replace( $data, $this->g_amc, 4 ); } } Function GetMVItem() { Return $this->MVItem; } } ?>
<?php if ( ! defined( '_MV_CLASS' ) ) { define('_MV_CLASS', true ); /* * Define constants */ define('_MV_LOGIN_',1); define('_MV_LOGOFF_',2); define('_MV_EXECUTE_',3); define('_MV_CALL_',4); define('_MV_SELECT_',5); define('_MV_OPEN_',6); define('_MV_READNEXT_',7); define('_MV_READ_',8); define('_MV_READU_',9); define('_MV_WRITE_',10); define('_MV_RELEASE_',11); define('_MV_DELETE_',12); define('_MV_CLOSE_',13); define('_MV_TEST_EXIST_',14); define('_MV_LOCK_ITEM_',15); define('_MV_READV_',16); define('_MV_NOOP_',18); define('_MV_SELECT_TCL_',17); define('_MV_STATUS_',19); define('_MV_SEP_',chr(001)); define('_MV_AM_',chr(254)); define('_MV_VM_',chr(253)); define('_MV_SVM_',chr(252)); define('_MV_DIFFDATE_',732); define('_MV_DIFFTIME_',86400000); define('_MV_CONNECTION_TCP_',1); define('_MV_CONNECTION_TCP_PROXY_',2); class MVFile{ // Private var $mvKey; var $mvObj; function __construct($key, $item){ $this->mvKey = $key; $this->mvObj = $item; } function getFormattedItem(){ $this->mvKey = _MV_WRITE_._MV_SEP_._MV_SEP_.$this->mvKey._MV_SEP_.$this->mvObj->toString()._MV_SEP_; return $this->mvKey; } } // MVFile class MVItem { var $Record; var $origrec; function __construct($rec = ""){ if(empty($rec)){ $this->Record = Array(); $this->origrec = $this->Record; return; } $this->setRecord($rec); } function setRecord($newval){ $rec = explode(_MV_AM_,$newval); $nbam = count($rec); $this->Record = Array(); $this->origrec = $newval; for($am = 0;$am < $nbam;$am++) { $vam = explode(_MV_VM_,$rec[$am]); $nbvm = count($vam); $lvm = Array(); for($vm = 0;$vm < $nbvm;$vm++){ $vvm = explode(_MV_SVM_,$vam[$vm]); $lvm[$vm] = $vvm; } $this->Record[$am] = $lvm; } return true; } function toString(){ return $this->extract(); } function extract($am = 0,$vm = 0,$svm = 0) { $am --; $vm --; $svm --; //file_log( "SVM: " . $svm . "rn" ); if($vm == -1) $svm = -1; if($am == -1) { $nbam = count($this->Record); $res = ""; for($am = 0;$am<$nbam;$am++) { $nbvm = count($this->Record[$am]); $lvm = Array(); for($vm= 0;$vm<$nbvm;$vm++){ if(is_array($this->Record[$am][$vm])){ $lvm[$vm] = implode(_MV_SVM_,$this->Record[$am][$vm]); }else{ $lvm[$vm] = $this->Record[$am][$vm]; } } if(is_array($lvm) ){ $res[$am] = implode(_MV_VM_,$lvm); } else { $res[$am] = $lvm; } } if(is_array($res)) { return implode(_MV_AM_,$res); } else { return $res; } } if($vm == -1) { $nbvm = count($this->Record[$am]); $lvm = Array(); for($vm= 0;$vm<$nbvm;$vm++){ $lvm[$vm] = implode(_MV_SVM_,$this->Record[$am][$vm]); } return implode(_MV_VM_,$lvm); } if($svm == -1 ){ // MM fix undefined offset if(count($this->Record) < ( $am + 1 ) ) { //file_log("SVM = -1 rn"); return ""; } if(count($this->Record[$am]) < ( $vm + 1 ) ) { //file_log("SVM = -1 rn"); return ""; } // End Of fix return implode(_MV_SVM_,$this->Record[$am][$vm]); } else { return $this->Record[$am][$vm][$svm]; } } function replace($newval,$am = 0, $vm = 0 , $svm = 0){ if($am == 0) return; if($vm == 0) $svm = 0; for($i=count($this->Record);$i < $am;$i++){ $this->Record[$i]= Array(""); } if($vm == 0) { $this->Record[$am-1] = array($newval); }else{ for($i = count($this->Record[$am-1]);$i < $vm ; $i++){ $this->Record[$am-1][$i] = Array(""); } if($svm == 0) { $this->Record[$am-1][$vm-1] = Array($newval); }else{ for($i = count($this->Record[$am-1][$vm-1]);$i < $svm ; $i++){ $this->Record[$am-1][$vm-1][$i] = Array(""); } // $this->Record[$am-1][$vm-1][$svm-1] = Array($newval); $this->Record[$am-1][$vm-1][$svm-1] = $newval; } } } function ins(&$tab,$pos,$newval){ $fin = $tab; $nb = count($tab); array_splice($tab,-($nb-$pos),($nb-$pos)); array_splice($tab,-1,1,array($newval,"")); array_splice($fin,0,($pos-1)); array_splice($tab,-1,1,$fin); } function insert($newval, $am = 0,$vm = 0,$svm = 0){ if($am == 0) return; if($vm == 0) $svm = 0; if ($am > count($this->Record) ) { $this->replace($newval,$am); return; } if($vm == 0) { $this->ins($this->Record,$am,array($newval)); }else{ if($vm > count($this->Record[$am-1])) { $this->replace($newval,$am,$vm); return; } if($svm == 0) { $this->ins($this->Record[$am-1],$vm,$newval); }else{ for($i = count($this->Record[$am-1][$vm-1]);$i < $svm -1 ; $i++){ $this->Record[$am-1][$vm-1][$i] = Array(""); } $this->ins($this->Record[$am-1][$vm-1],$svm,$newval); } } } function delete($am = 0 ,$vm = 0,$svm = 0) { if($am == 0) return; if($vm == 0) $svm =0; if($vm == 0){ array_splice($this->Record,$am - 1,1); }else{ if($svm == 0) { array_splice($this->Record[$am-1],$vm - 1,1); }else{ array_splice($this->Record[$am-1][$vm-1],$svm - 1,1); } } } function AMCount(){ //MM //echo '<' . count( $this->Record ) . '>'; return count($this->Record); } function VMCount($am){ if ($am > count($this->Record) || $am == 0) return 0; $tmp = $this->Record[$am-1]; return count($tmp); } function SVMCount($am,$vm){ if ($am > count($this->Record) || $am == 0) return 0; $tmp = $this->Record[$am-1]; if ($vm > count($tmp) || $vm == 0 ) return 0; $tmp = $tmp[$vm-1]; return count($tmp); } } // MVItem } ?>
The following are the correct return values in PHP 5.4
Creating XML Parser. Parsing XML to MV item. Getting formatted output. MVItem Object ( [Record] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Test ) [2] => Array ( [0] => ) [3] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) [origrec] => Array ( ) ) 1 Formatted output: 101234567890�Test��
Here are the results I get in PHP 7.4:
Creating XML Parser. Parsing XML to MV item. Getting formatted output. MVItem Object ( [Record] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Test ) [2] => Array ( [0] => ) [3] => Array ( [0] => ) ) ) [origrec] => Array ( ) ) 1 Formatted output: 101234567890
The XML parser should be fine as the array returned is the same. The real problem lies in the getFormattedItem() method, which really only involves the extract() method. Have tried adding print statements in various places but can't seem to determine which statement is causing the problem.
P粉4425761652023-07-18 09:21:50
只需查看您的最终输出。我猜可能是字符集的问题。通常,新安装的 PHP 版本的 default_charset 值是 UTF-8,但旧版本可能将该值设置为 ISO-8859-1(即 latin-1),因此请检查您的 php.ini(以及可能更改字符集的项目中的其他脚本)。