1: The website root directory is set to phpinfo.php
2: Accessing xxx/phpinfo.php also shows that the GD library is enabled
3: The code is as follows:
<div class="control-group clearfix">
<label class="control-label pull-left" for ="inputVerify">Verification code</label>
<div class="controls pull-left">
<input type="text" id="inputVerify " class="span3" placeholder="Please enter the verification code" errormsg="Please fill in the 5-digit verification code" nullmsg="Please fill in the verification code" datatype="*5-5" name="verify">
<div class="control-group1">
<div class="controls ">
<img class="verifyimg reload-verify" alt="Verification code" src="/index.php/user/user/verify.html" title="Click to refresh">
<div class="controls Validform_checktip text-warning"></div>
田振华2021-08-01 20:40:37
Supplement: Front desk registration and login
The background administrator login is not displayed