During fuzzy search, the required search information will be queried.
But only the first page can be seen. Click the next page or any page and the following picture will appear and return to the main page.
The following is the search function code
//File search
public function dasousu0(){
if( session('USERNAME') == '){
# through {# Return "& LT; Script & GT; Alert ('Please enter the search keyword!');## Location.href = 'DANANGANLIST';
# # gt;where('ifzztg' . ','%'.$sousu0.'%') - >whereOr('tel','like','%'.$sousu0.'%') ->whereOr('card','like','%'.$sousu0.' %') -& gt; Order (' ID ASC ')-& GT; Paginate (20, FALSE, [' Query '= & GT; Request ()-& GT; Param ()];$ page = $ list-& gt; render ();
## $ listcount = db ('userInfo')-& gt ('ifzztg', 0)
$lb = '全部';
$qxid = session('QUANXIANID');
return $this->fetch('dangan',['list'=>$list,'listcount'=>$listcount,'page'=>$page,'lb'=>$lb,'qxid'=>$qxid]);
return "<script>