数据库报错 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cs_admin` ( `id` mediumint( 5 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `username` varchar( 20 ) NOT NULL , `password` char( 32 ) NOT NULL , `roleid` mediumint( 5 ) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = gbk AUTO_INCREMENT =14;
揽星辰入梦2020-04-09 16:01:26
This is the error that will appear in the browser after importing the carshop database. I put the complete carshop project in the www folder, then imported the database and visited some pages, but the normal style did not appear. May I ask the author, what should this project do? How to install and use
Yang_Sir2020-04-09 13:53:10
This is the statement to create the database. What is the error message?