What to do if the phpstudyV8 database cannot be started
小龙2020-04-30 17:13:12
I have never installed mysql... How to talk about disassembly... The first sql was installed directly in phpstudy...
小龙2020-04-30 15:22:25
I am the same, it just restarts endlessly and I still can’t understand the error message! The explanations on the Internet are not from phpstudy. I am planning to learn PHP by myself. I have finally overcome the JS mountain. I am excited to see the PHP results and have been stuck for several days...
不语尘世离愁2020-03-03 19:14:26
Mine may be because of the database version problem. I uninstalled all the databases on the computer and reinstalled them in phpstudy.
七月2020-03-03 18:22:45
I have the same question, I can't start it either, why is this happening?