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What is the default database name prefix in the php toolbox?

What is the default database name prefix in the php toolbox or where to view it. The following is the copied content information

Database name: root

Which database should I install WordPress to?

Username: root

Your MySQL username

Password root

…and its password

Database host:

If localhost cannot be used, you usually The correct information can be obtained from the website service provider.

Table prefix:? ? ? ? (How to fill this in?) Tested with php toolbox

If you want to install multiple WordPress in the same database, please modify the prefix.

彭离元彭离元1901 days ago1128

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  • 秋香姐家的小书童

    秋香姐家的小书童2019-07-08 10:36:56

    The database table prefix is ​​filled in by yourself and has nothing to do with the tool

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