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Does TP6 not support the $this->fetch() method?

局外人局外人1915 days ago1097

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  • ringa_lee

    ringa_lee2019-07-02 11:21:16

    It is written in the manual that tp6 no longer has a built-in think-template template engine. If you want to use the built-in one, you need to manually download the official think-view engine

  • 局外人

    Sorry, I watched the video earlier and didn’t read the manual.

    局外人 · 2019-07-02 12:10:25
  • 付永红

    付永红2019-07-01 11:41:52

    It seems you are asking questions without reading the manual

  • 局外人

    I just started reading it, and I really didn’t ask about it before reading the manual.

    局外人 · 2019-07-02 12:10:03
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