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Added a column of coupon locations to the background add list. How to connect them to two interfaces respectively?

public function create()


$f = array();

$f[] = Form::input('title','offer Coupon name');

$f[] = Form::number('coupon_price','Coupon face value',0)->min(0);

$f[ ] = Form::number('use_min_price','Coupon minimum consumption')->min(0);

$f[] = Form::number('coupon_time','Coupon is valid Period')->min(0);

$f[] = Form::number('sort','sort');

$f[] = Form:: radio('place','location',0)->options([['label'=>'Homepage location','value'=>1],['label'=>'Coupon location ','value'=>0]]);

$f[] = Form::radio('status','status',0)->options([['label'= >'On','value'=>1],['label'=>'Off','value'=>0]]);

$form = Form::make_post_form('Add Coupon',$f,Url::build('save'));

$this->assign(compact('form')) ;

                                                                                                                                       return $this->fetch('public/form-builder');

不忘初心不忘初心2028 days ago874

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  • 秋香姐家的小书童

    秋香姐家的小书童2019-06-11 17:34:27

    I don’t quite understand what you mean by the two interfaces

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