Could you please tell me where is the error in the code? dw keeps showing the second and third errors.
echo' 3 ways to write pi: <p>';
echo'The first way: pi()='.pi ().'<p>';
echo'The second type: 3.14159265359='.3.14159265359.'';
echo'The third type: 314159265359E-11='.314159265359E -11.'<p>';
云媒2019-11-19 20:28:43
Three ways to write pi: 3.14159265359E-11 =3.14159265359
π = 3.14159265359
pi() = 3.14159265359
$No = "3.14159265359";
echo 'Three ways to write pi:';
echo "3.14159265359E-11 =".$No."<br>";
echo " π = ".$No."<br>";
echo "pi() = ".$No."<br>";