P:\ms>grunt live
Running "livereload-start" task
... Starting Livereload server on 35729 ...
Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task
Warning: Arguments to path.resolve must be strings Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Gruntfile.js 部分
livereload: {
port: 35729 // Default livereload listening port.
connect: {
livereload: {
options: {
port: 9001,
hostname: 'localhost',
base: '.',
middleware: function(connect, options) {
return [lrSnippet, folderMount(connect, options.base)]
regarde: {
jade: {
files: '*.jade',
tasks: ['jade']
html: {
files: ['index.html', 'css/my.css', 'Gruntfile.js'],
tasks: ['jsbeautifier', 'livereload']
coffee: {
files: 'js/my.coffee',
tasks: 'coffee'
grunt.registerTask('live', ['livereload-start', 'connect', 'regarde']);
阿神2017-04-10 14:25:19
Grunt 的版本?请尝试升级一下,这样的问题已经多次提交 issues,升级可解决(包括插件的版本)
npm uninstall grunt-cli -g
npm uninstall grunt -g
npm cache clean -g
npm install grunt-cli -g
之后请确认你的 grunt --version
在 v0.4.1
请确认你没有安装多个 grunt,where grunt
BTW,别再用 regard + livereload 了,以前 contrib-watch 不好用才用这俩,现在 watch 简直 awesome,配置 livereload 简单无比。