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小草2018-09-06 08:49:09
After reading it for a long time, I realized after reading the last comment below that I wrote the wrong letters...
灭绝师太2018-09-04 17:54:34
Baidu’s url address is: https://www.baidu.com/
灭绝师太2018-09-04 17:53:49
<a name="top"></a>Content...<a href="#top">Back to top</a>
藏色散人2018-09-04 16:24:14
Which part of the hyperlink does
refer to?
Added Baidu, Taobao hyperlinks and anchor points in the h2 title below
It’s correct to look at your jump code this way, but if your code is in a framework, you need to add target="_top" to the hyperlink.
23333 I didn’t even notice
I found the reason, it was too careless, href was written as herf. . .