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Change static to————STATIC__/static/do not display pictures




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<input type="hidden" id="TenantId" name="TenantId" value="" />

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<div class="row cl">

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<div class="formControls col-xs-8">

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<div class="row cl">

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<img src="images/VerifyCode.aspx.png">

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<div class="row cl">

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<label for="online">

<input type="checkbox" name="online" id="online" value="">




<div class="row cl">

<div class="formControls col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-3">

<input name="" type="submit" class="btn btn-success radius size-L" value=" 登    录 ">

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WykWyk2458 days ago1618

reply all(6)I'll reply

  • 999

    9992019-05-15 22:46:46

    After reading a classmate’s notes, I found the problem.

    There is an error here. Just change it to the same one as mine. The location definition is wrong;QQ图片20190515224601.png

  • 千江水月

    You are absolutely right. According to your help, everything is normal now. The problem is the file path.

    千江水月 · 2019-08-27 19:44:07
  • 康迎新

    康迎新2019-05-07 22:20:56

    I can’t display pictures either. The CSS format seems to be working. The background image cannot be displayed

  • 999

    I don’t know if you have solved it. I have solved it here. You can see the answer above.

    999 · 2019-05-15 22:47:10
  • Lipuor

    Lipuor2019-02-23 12:19:06

    Have you solved the problem? I also modified it according to the tutorial, but the login interface style cannot be displayed.

  • 无忌哥哥

    无忌哥哥2018-06-29 09:15:09

    The path should be written incorrectly. Check the source code to see if the directory and folder are correct. If not, just modify it.

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