I typed the code based on it. Why is there no error or any response when clicking the login button?
悉阳桑2018-04-18 20:07:45
success:function(data){ if(data.status ==1){ alert(data.message); window.location.href="{:url('index/index')}"; window.location.href = "{:url('index/index')}"; }else{ alert(data.message); window.location.href="{:url('login/index')}"; window.location.href = "{:url('login/index')}"; } } }); return false; //加入false
时光@记忆2018-04-16 22:10:02
(type='button') when it is just a button. When the onclick() event is not added, nothing will happen. And (type="submit") will submit the form to the server
时光@记忆2018-04-11 10:41:47
Check whether the button has added a listening event. Add alert() function check to the listening code