This function should be
array_multisort(array1,sorting order,sorting type,array2,array3...)
So sort $name first, and then $age Sort, then sort $arr.
The final returned result is represented by print_r($arr), that is, only $arr is sorted.
It is not returned to $arr as the teacher said.
The result of sorting in this way is a sort that does not retain the corresponding relationship between the original key values,
print_r( $arr) in this case the output is a two-dimensional array sorted forward by name and reversely sorted by age.
Rain2018-07-18 13:12:31
After repeated debugging, it was found that the $arr parameter of the array_multisort function is equivalent to appending the sorting changes made by the previous parameters to the
$arr ontology array, because the array_multisort function is passed by value. When calling, the previous sorting operation is an operation on the copy. The $arr parameter is equivalent to a
reassignment, ensuring the change of the ontology. But it cannot be completely regarded as a reassignment operation, because when the $arr parameter is changed to a new array $newArr parameter, the system will report an error. It can be seen that the role of the $arr parameter is similar to that of reassignment. Assignment operation but not.