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How to solve this!!!!!!!!!

<div class="row cl">
                <label class="form-label col-xs-3"><i class="Hui-iconfont"></i></label>
                <div class="formControls col-xs-8">
                    <input id="" name="password" type="password" placeholder="密码" class="input-text size-L">
            <div class="row cl">
                <div class="formControls col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-3">
                    <input name="verify" class="input-text size-L" type="text" placeholder="验证码" onblur="if(this.value==''){this.value=''}" onclick="if(this.value==''){this.value='';}"  style="width:150px;">
                    <img id="verify_img" src="{:captcha_src()}">
                    <a id="kanbuq"  onclick="getPic();" >看不清,换一张</a>
            <div class="row cl">
                <div class="formControls col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-3">
                    <label for="online">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="online" id="online" value="">
            <div class="row cl">
                <div class="formControls col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-3">
                    <input name="" id="login" type="button" class="btn btn-success radius size-L" value=" 登    录 ">
<div class="footer">wo zi ji shuo de </div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="__STATIC__/lib/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type ="text/javascript" src="__STATIC__/static/h-ui/js/H-ui.js"></script>
<!-- AJAX submission script-->
//Add a click event to the login button
$('#login').click(function () {
Type: 'Post',
URL: '{: url ("Checklogin")}',
Data: $ ('Form'). Serialize (),
Datatype: 'json',
SUCCESS: Function (data) {// Only when the results are returned to one, you can handle
if (data.status == 1) {
Alert (data.message);
Window.load. href = "{:url('index/index')}";                                                                                 )

class user extends Base
//Login interface
public function login()
Return $this-> view ->fetch();

//Verify login $this ->validate($data,$rule,$msq)
public function checklogin(Request $request)
//Chef return value
        $status = 0;
           $result =                                                                                                                                                                                           
'name | Username' = & GT; 'Require', // The user name must fill in
"Password | Password" = & GT Code '= & gt;' Require | CAPTCHA ', // Username must fill in
// Verification
$ result = $ this -& gt; value ($ data, $ rule);

// If the verification passes
if ($ Result === TRUE) {

// Construction query conditions
$ Map = [
'name' = & gt; $data['name'],
"password" => md5($data["password"]),

" " $user =UserModel::get($map);
if($user == null){
$result = 'The user was not found';
$result = 'Verification passed, click [OK] to enter';

葬2648 days ago1601

reply all(2)I'll reply

  • 路过

    路过2017-12-02 09:05:59

    The database does not have that field. Can you see if the database matches your field?

  • 葬

    I don’t understand. Hehe, Baidu also said that it does not match the field. But I can’t watch it

    · 2017-12-05 08:29:30
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