public function read($id)
$this -> view -> assign('aid', $id);
$viewed =1;
$data->isUpdate(true)->save(['viewed' => $viewed]);
$this -> view -> assign('data', $data);
//$comment=Comment::order(['id' => 'desc'])->where(['aid'=>$id,'status'=>1])->paginate(5);
$comment = $this -> CommentListAll($aid=$id,$pid=0,$commentList=array(),$spac=0,$pauthor=NULL);
$this -> view -> assign('commentlist', $comment);
return $this-> view ->fetch('detail');
function CommentListAll($aid=0,$pid=0,&$commentList=array(),$spac=0,$pauthor=NULL)
static $i=0;
$spac=$spac 1;//初始为1级评论
$List=db('comment')->order(['id' => 'desc'])->where(['aid'=>$aid,'status'=>1])->select();
foreach($List as $k=>$v){
$i ;
$this -> CommentListAll($v['aid'],$v['id'],$commentList,$spac,$v['username']);
return $commentList;
又白又帅又可爱2017-11-20 12:23:26
Project location->application->config.php->Line 20
'app_debug' => false,
Change to:
'app_debug' => true,
to turn on debugging mode
王者風範2017-11-17 11:23:41
Turn on the debugging mode, and then look at the specific error location
尹天雄2017-11-17 11:17:59
You can debug this with breakpoints. Otherwise, the error message is not obvious and it is difficult for us to judge.
天蓬老师2017-11-17 00:02:16
At least you have to give the browser error message, otherwise how can I help you analyze it?