To celebrate php Chinese website, 60 days to become a php master php learning class enrollment, we specially held an event .Activity time is one week.
As long as you leave a message below this post, we will randomly select three lucky students from the many comments to participate in this 60-day course to become a PHP expert for free. If you don’t want to study after winning the prize, you can also transfer your
study quota to other students.
Course introduction introduction:
One lucky student will be selected every day !!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful event come and join (has ended)
The first lucky draw member:
Floor: 169th Floor, User ID: 31819, Nickname: - Hi.
The second lucky draw member:
Floor: 148th Floor, User ID: 23452, User Nickname: zhihuanwang
The third lucky draw member:
Floor: 213th Floor, User ID: 59560, User Nickname: Buy spicy strips for you
Extra QQ live group 209862426 fourth lucky student:
User ID: 58836, User Nickname: Tongtongtongtongtongtong
Lincoln2017-11-15 14:11:25
echo "最后一次警告上PHP中文网的人,你们都给我小心着点,首先我不管你是什么身份,什么背景,还是小孩,青少年,成年人,中年人还是老人,混的多牛b。这些我都不晓得。这些我都不在意,我唯一在意的是,你们要记住以下我说的每一句话,给我认真点看清楚: ~最近天气开始有点冷,大家出门记得多穿衣服,多喝水,别感冒了。 另外我还是在读学生,还没什么经济能力报名PHP中文网的课,作为经常上PHP中文网的粉丝,我很想得到这个免费的名额,希望大家多多支持我这个喜欢写PHP的人";
拾忆2017-11-15 14:09:18
I'm here, whip me...because I don't know why, anyway, I think it was arranged by fate.
phpcn_u519162017-11-15 14:08:21
I want to learn, I want to learn, I want to learn. Say the most important thing three times