The phpStudy downloaded from the official website uses version 7.0.12nts. The curl extension is turned on in php.ini, but this module is not turned on in phpinfo()? The curl_init() method reports an error, and there will be no problem if you switch to 5.6nts. I have searched a lot of ways online, but can't turn on the curl extension! Anyone know what happened?
Yang2018-07-27 08:49:06
Has it been resolved? I'm in the same situation as you. I've tried all the methods mentioned on the Internet about copying the files in php to the bin file, but curl still can't be loaded, but it can be loaded by switching to 5.5 or other versions.
Yang2018-07-27 09:05:43
Download 64-bit php 7.0n
Replace the php70n folder under phpstudy . And copy php.ini from the original folder and put it in.
Note that other extensions may not be enabled and other extensions will be enabled by themselves. I'll share with you what I just solved.
ﺭ打了你一下ﺭ巳寸2017-11-05 16:56:34
Have you solved it? I have the same problem. The error is as follows
Message: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'D:\software\phpstudy\php\php-7.0.12-nts \ext\php_curl.dll', if you solve it, please give me some advice