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After the session is saved, how can I check the information about the variables and attribute values ​​in the session (what are the array subscripts), or where are the session files stored? What is TEMP used by teachers?

Use session::set('user_info',$data); in $data to use the data submitted by the form to view the attribute information of user_info

kevlinkevlin2548 days ago2068

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  • 明空

    明空2018-02-08 16:06:08

    The teacher did not record the session. The saved info contains the id attribute. You can just save a separate one by yourself. Run the entire program first

  • 寻觅 beyond

    寻觅 beyond2017-10-03 17:43:18

    $_SESSION is a global array, you can view the contents of the session through print_r($_SESSION)

  • qzuser

    qzuser2017-10-02 01:14:02

    session start and then $_SESSION is accessed as an array

  • kevlin

    For example: $_session['name'] or session::get('name') I want to know whether name exists, and whether it is empty, and what other subscript values ​​similar to name exist.

    kevlin · 2017-10-03 15:56:36
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