File structure
Controller code
<?php namespace app\admin\controller; use app\admin\common\Base; use think\Request; use app\admin\model\Admin as AdminModel; class Admin extends Base{ //显示管理员首页 public function index() { //1.读取admin管理员表的信息 $admin = AdminModel::get(['username'=> 'admin']); //2.将当前管理员的信息赋值给模板 $this -> view -> assign('admin', $admin); //3.渲染模板 return $this -> view -> fetch('admin_list'); } }
Error message
清雨2017-09-27 09:11:33
The problem has been solved. It appears in the database table. When the front-end calls the database list, the lowercase id is used. In the database, the id is Id, so there is a problem.