phpstudy2016 version
php version 5.4.45
Only after opening the intl extension setting extension=php_intl.dll under php.ini, restart apache and report an error:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'D:\Program\phpStudy\php\php-5.4.45\ext\php_intl.dll' - The specified module could not be found. in Unknown on line 0
Online information says that installing the intl extension requires the support of the extended icu. Use pecl install intl-3.0.0 to install intl and depend on the extended icu. An error message is reported:
WARNING: php_bin D :\Program\phpStudy\php\php-5.4.45\php.exe appears to have a suffix .exe, but config variable php_suffix does not match
ERROR: The DSP intl.dsp does not exist.
李俊荣2017-09-19 14:18:15
Unzip the file and copy the *.dll file to the "ext" or "extension" directory under the main directory of the PHP program.
Open the php.ini file, add "extension=*.dll" in the "Dynamic Extensions" configuration section, close the file, restart the server and it will load successfully.