There is still a problem after using FormData. From the submitted data, it can be seen that the submission is successful, but POST does not return the file field.
<form id="rosww" action="a.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" > .... <input name="imgup" required="required" type="file" accept="image/jpeg"> ...... <button id="tjj" class="am-btn am-btn-success am-radius">发布并继续发布</button>
$('#btn1').click(function(){ $.post("../../html/misste/instil.html",{},function(d){ $('.jiazai').html(d); $('#tjj').click(function(){ var formData = new FormData($('form')[0]); $.ajax({ type : 'post', url : 'a.php', data : formData, contentType: false, processData: false, success : function(a){ alert('提交成功'); document.getElementById("rosww").reset(); }}) return false; })})});
View the passed parameters from the controller
I have found many methods on the Internet but cannot return normally. I don’t know why
按键盘手指磨破皮2017-08-15 01:23:33
Uh-huh. . Problem solved. I forgot that I should use $_FILES to accept files instead of $_POST. 囧