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javascript - js first sort by age, if the age is the same, then sort by top

var obj = [{
        id : 1,
        age : 20,
            top :5
        id : 3,
        age : 21,
            top : 6
        id : 2,
        age : 20,
            top : 8
  function keysort(property) {
      return function(a, b) {
          var value1 = a[property] == '-' ? 0 : a[property];
          var value2 = b[property] == '-' ? 0 : b[property];
           return value1 - value2;
  var obj1 = obj.sort(keysort('age'));
写一半 不会写了  age相同的情况下  再按照top从高到低排序  想请教下老司机 
PHP中文网PHP中文网2661 days ago1160

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  • 扔个三星炸死你

    扔个三星炸死你2017-07-07 10:36:15

    This is so long-winded...

    obj.sort( function(curr,next) {
        return !!( curr.age-next.age )? curr.age-next.age: curr.top-next.top;
    } );

    Isn’t this great?

  • phpcn_u1582

    phpcn_u15822017-07-07 10:36:15

    Just use what you bring

        obj = obj.sort((a, b) =>  { return a.age - b.age || b.top - a.top;} );

    Because you are talking about sorting top from high to low. This way of writing means that the larger the number, the higher it is. If you want the smaller number to be smaller, just change the position b.top - a.top to a.top - b.top

  • 習慣沉默

    習慣沉默2017-07-07 10:36:15

    Online experience https://jsfiddle.net/hguyjgs8/1/

    //假设top 不大于1000, 大于1000的,适度修改
    var obj = [{
      id: 1,
      age: 20,
      top: 5
    }, {
      id: 3,
      age: 21,
      top: 6
    }, {
      id: 2,
      age: 20,
      top: 8
    function pad(num, size) {
      var s = num + "";
      while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s;
      return s;
    obj.sort((a, b) => pad(a.age, 2) + pad(1000-a.top, 3) > pad(b.age, 2)  + pad(1000-b.top, 3)).forEach((i) => {

  • 三叔

    三叔2017-07-07 10:36:15

    function keySort (...args) {
        let props = args.map(name => {
            let desc = name[0] === '-'
            if (desc) name = name.substring(1)
            return { desc, name }
        return (a, b) => {
            let result = 0
            for (let prop of props) {
                let p = prop.name
                result = prop.desc ? b[p] - a[p] : a[p] - b[p]
                if (result) return result
            return result
    obj.sort(keySort('age', '-top'))


  • 漂亮男人

    漂亮男人2017-07-07 10:36:15

    Who First

    var whoFirst = ['age', 'top']; 
    var copy = o => JSON.parse(
    var judge = (a, b, whos) => {
        if (whos.length === 0) return 0; 
        let key = whos[0]; 
        if (a[key] !== b[key]){
            return a[key] - b[key]; 
        } else {
            return judge(a, b, whos.slice(1)); 


    var sorts = arr => {
        let a = copy(arr); 
        a.sort((a, b) => {
            return judge(a, b, whoFirst); 
        return a; 


    WhoFirst 升序。

    var obj = [{
        id : 1,
        age : 20,
            top :5
        id : 3,
        age : 21,
            top : 6
        id : 2,
        age : 20,
            top : 8
        id: 4,
        age: 20, 
        top: 2
        id: 8,
        age: 20, 
        top: 2
        id: 5,
        age: 20, 
        top: 11
        id: 7,
        age: 20, 
        top: 9
        id: 6,
        age: 20, 
        top: 2
        id: 9,
        age: 20, 
        top: 1

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