When using the key name, an error is reported saying that the set property cannot be set
習慣沉默2017-07-05 11:09:29
var o = {
name: 'foo',
hey: 'bar'
// => "foo"
// => "foo"
The above-mentioned ordinary js objects can only use strings as keys. es6 has a new feature that allows "value" to be used as the key. See example:
var m = new Map();
var eczn = {
name: 'eczn',
age: 20
m.set(eczn, 'map Obj to Stirng');
黄舟2017-07-05 11:09:29
Arrays in JavaScript do not support using identifiers other than numbers as array subscripts, but you can use objects to achieve similar effects to associative arrays in PHP:
var myArray = {'key1': 'value1'};
console.log(myArray['key1']); // 会输出value1, 其实相当于myArray.key1
漂亮男人2017-07-05 11:09:29
JS arrays use custom key names, which I have never used in development for so long. There is no need for it at all. Just use Object.
曾经蜡笔没有小新2017-07-05 11:09:29
Yes, for example
var person = {
"name" : "孤月"
var n = "name";
person[n] = "deep dark fantasy";
欧阳克2017-07-05 11:09:29
Original arrays cannot use characters other than numbers as key names. You can use objects as arrays to achieve the same functionality.
为情所困2017-07-05 11:09:29
When defined, arrays can only be indexed by numbers, for example, while other types of index are objects. This is different from php.
曾经蜡笔没有小新2017-07-05 11:09:29
JS does not have associative arrays, only basic arrays. What looks like associative arrays are objects. This js has them.
phpcn_u15822017-07-05 11:09:29
JS arrays can be subscripted with strings. Similar to associative arrays, the type of array subscript in JS is strings