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react.js - How to use placeholders to define restful URLs in javascript? I know about angular, but which library should I use when using react?

I know this is the case in angular

$resource('http://localhost:8080/web/user/:id/oper/:active',{id: '111',active: 'y'})

What is used in react? Is there any package that can achieve this function?

曾经蜡笔没有小新曾经蜡笔没有小新2636 days ago1182

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  • 学习ing

    学习ing2017-07-05 11:02:33

    I use the form http://localhost:8080/web/user/{id}/oper/{active}, which is the same as the URL form of the background SpringMvc. The string replacement method uses the following function

     * 扩展了 String 类型,给其添加格式化的功能,替换字符串中 {placeholder} 或者 {0}, {1} 等模式部分为参数中传入的字符串
     * 使用方法:
     *     'I can speak {language} since I was {age}'.format({language: 'Javascript', age: 10})
     *     'I can speak {0} since I was {1}'.format('Javascript', 10)
     * 输出都为:
     *     I can speak Javascript since I was 10
     * @param replacements 用来替换 placeholder 的 JSON 对象或者数组
    String.prototype.format = function(replacements) {
        replacements = (typeof replacements === 'object') ? replacements : Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
        return formatString(this, replacements);
     * 替换字符串中 {placeholder} 或者 {0}, {1} 等模式部分为参数中传入的字符串
     * 使用方法:
     *     formatString('I can speak {language} since I was {age}', {language: 'Javascript', age: 10})
     *     formatString('I can speak {0} since I was {1}', 'Javascript', 10)
     * 输出都为:
     *     I can speak Javascript since I was 10
     * @param str 带有 placeholder 的字符串
     * @param replacements 用来替换 placeholder 的 JSON 对象或者数组
    var formatString = function (str, replacements) {
        replacements = (typeof replacements === 'object') ? replacements : Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
        return str.replace(/\{\{|\}\}|\{(\w+)\}/g, function(m, n) {
            if (m == '{{') { return '{'; }
            if (m == '}}') { return '}'; }
            return replacements[n];

  • 黄舟

    黄舟2017-07-05 11:02:33

    I wrote one myself,

     * 格式化url占位符
     * eg: http://localhost:8080/yunpan/{id}/aaa/{name}
     * urlFormat(url, {id: '111', name: 'yc'})
     * => http://localhost:8080/yunpan/111/aaa/yc
     * @param url
     * @param param
     * @returns {*}
    export const urlFormat = (url, param) => {
        if (param === undefined || param === null || param === {}) {
            return url;
        let keys = Object.keys(param);
        for (let key of keys) {
            url = url.replace(new RegExp("\{" + key + "\}", "g"), param[key]);
        return url;

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