I want to use react to write a public pop-up module, similar to the react Modal method of Ant Financial.
I don’t know what the principle of this implementation is? How can I insert the pop-up window I wrote into the end of the page?
迷茫2017-07-05 11:00:47
Look at the source code of Modal implementation, it’s easy to understand. To put it simply:
let p = createElement('p');
ReactDOM.render(<Modal />, p);
给我你的怀抱2017-07-05 11:00:47
Whether the modal is visible depends on its visibility. This is a mobile code written today. Not sure what you mean
typecho2017-07-05 11:00:47
In fact, it is rendered out of the react scope and uses a component
This involves the ReactDOM.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer interface,
But this interface is not available in the documentation and is marked unstable
Its signature is like this
Probably can be used like this
componentDidMount() {
const container = document.createElement('p');
(<Modal />),
function () {
/* callback */
For specific usage, please refer to the usage in react-portal
or the usage in ant design of Ant Financial
The signature and definition can be found here, with comments on it
Actually, I don’t fully understand the usage of this interface... I’m not sure it’s correct. You should read the code in the link above by yourself