<ul class="ul"><li>red</li>
<ul class="ul ul-2"><li>red</li>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ulArry = document.getElementsByClassName("ul");
for (var i in ulArry) {
ulArry[i].firstChild.style.color = "#FF0000";
# The color of li has changed, but why does the console still report an error?
typecho2017-07-05 11:00:11
ulArry is a NodeList object. For in not only obtains two Dom nodes, but also length, item(), namedItem(). So when it reaches length, an error is reported.
You can print out ulArry[i] in the loop and see
迷茫2017-07-05 11:00:11
You can see why the error is reported by looking at the picture, but as for why there is a length in in, this i is worth waiting for the expert to answer
扔个三星炸死你2017-07-05 11:00:11
for in will report an error but for will not. The second ul class is not just one, but two. It is recommended to getElementsByTagName