I forgot what I asked at that time, because I talked a lot and my memory is not good.
It was probably "How to judge whether a chain has a loop"
I only vaguely remember the meaning...
Thank you for your help Let me correct the question. I mainly want to know what is being asked.
滿天的星座2017-07-05 10:56:36
This is a bit of a tough question
var a = {
val: 'a'
}, b = {
val: 'b'
}, c = {
val: 'c'
a.next = b;
b.next = c;
c.next = a;
is b
is c
is a
If you execute the following loop
var temp = a;
temp = temp.next;
Then it will be an infinite loop, and temp will be assigned as follows: a => b => c => a => b .....
Such abc
constitutes a cycle
You can refer to circular queue and ring linked list.
Since he said he wants me to judge, follow the steps above.
function isCircle(list, head){
// 默认值
head = head || list;
if (list.next === head){ // 相等
return true;
} else if (!list.next) { // 下一个? 不存在的
return false;
} else {
// 继续递归
return isCircle(list.next, head);
(After I finished writing, I realized I made a mistake and rewrote it... == Sorry)
ringa_lee2017-07-05 10:56:36
This question is a very classic algorithm question. The most classic method is to use the fast and slow pointer method
. For specific questions, you can move to leetcode
Simply put, define the fast pointer and the slow pointer. The fast pointer takes two steps at a time, and the slow pointer takes one step at a time. If the two of them can meet, it means there is a cycle.
var hasCycle = function(head) {
if(!head) return false;
var faster = head;
var slower = head;
while (faster && faster.next) {
faster = faster.next.next;
slower = slower.next;
if (slower === faster) return true;
return false;