100 yuan is given to 10 people in red envelopes. The size of the red envelope is random and everyone can get a red envelope
欧阳克2017-07-05 10:39:39
rpAmount = 100
ppCount = 10
rpRnds = []
rpRndSum = 0
for(let i=0;i<ppCount;i++){let rnd = Math.random();rpRndSum+=rnd;rpRnds.push(rnd);}
console.log('rpResult',{rpResult,sum:rpResult.reduce((acc,val)=>{return acc+val})})
Core idea:
The weight is directly determined by the random number, not the amount.
曾经蜡笔没有小新2017-07-05 10:39:39
Idea: Use the random function to randomly allocate each time. The red envelope value obtained each time is greater than 0.01 and less than the remaining amount - the remaining number of people * 0.01. The last person can get all the remaining money