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Linux operation and maintenance - how to implement python remote control of windows

Is there any solution for python to remotely control the win server under the premise that ssh is not turned on in windows and only mstsc is turned on? I want to realize the remote shutdown function.

typechotypecho2633 days ago1234

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  • 迷茫

    迷茫2017-07-05 10:36:35

    (1) Close windows remotely from Linux:

    import os
    os.system("net rpc -S <ip address> -U <username>%<password> shutdown -t 1 -f")

    (2) Close windows remotely from windows:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # win32shutdown.py
    import win32api
    import win32con
    import win32netcon
    import win32security
    import win32wnet
    def shutdown(host=None, user=None, passwrd=None, msg=None, timeout=0, force=1,
        """ Shuts down a remote computer, requires NT-BASED OS. """
        # Create an initial connection if a username & password is given.
        connected = 0
        if user and passwrd:
                win32wnet.WNetAddConnection2(win32netcon.RESOURCETYPE_ANY, None,
                                             ''.join([r'\', host]), None, user,
            # Don't fail on error, it might just work without the connection.
                connected = 1
        # We need the remote shutdown or shutdown privileges.
        p1 = win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(host, win32con.SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME)
        p2 = win32security.LookupPrivilegeValue(host,
        newstate = [(p1, win32con.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED),
                    (p2, win32con.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED)]
        # Grab the token and adjust its privileges.
        htoken = win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(),
        win32security.AdjustTokenPrivileges(htoken, False, newstate)
        win32api.InitiateSystemShutdown(host, msg, timeout, force, reboot)
        # Release the previous connection.
        if connected:
            win32wnet.WNetCancelConnection2(''.join([r'\', host]), 0, 0)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # Immediate shutdown.
        shutdown('salespc1', 'admin', 'secret', None, 0)
        # Delayed shutdown 30 secs.
        shutdown('salespc1', 'admin', 'secret', 'Maintenance Shutdown', 30)
        # Reboot
        shutdown('salespc1', 'admin', 'secret', None, 0, reboot=1)
        # Shutdown the local pc
        shutdown(None, 'admin', 'secret', None, 0)

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