What are the functions of "context root" and "content directory" in Eclipse? Is
used by tomcat?
is used there
为情所困2017-07-05 10:04:13
root represents: "localhost:xxx" is the project that accesses /tomcat/webapps/root/
Directory representative: "localhost:xxx/XXX" is the project that accesses /tomcat/webapps/XXX
曾经蜡笔没有小新2017-07-05 10:04:13
Context root: compiled project name. Corresponds to Display-name.
Content directory: Project file root directory. Store the root of directories such as html/jsp/images. When accessing http://caiyongji.com/index.html, the corresponding access is to index.html under the Content directory, which means that the Content directory is the root of the website.
can be understood in a narrow sense as:
URL: ContextRoot/ContentDirectory/index.htmlreply0